20 Things for Turning 20 | Lessons & To Do’s

IMG_2880I’ve taken some time recently to reflect on my 20 years on this earth and decided it was time to do my 20 for 20 post! I’ll be sharing with you all the top 10 things I’ve learned that have helped me in every day life and 10 things I want to achieve over the next few years!

10 Lessons:

  1. Being organised and planning helps me stay productive – Im constantly making to do lists and planning the week ahead. This really helps me stay on top of things I need to do whether thats scheduling blog posts, filming and editing videos, uni work or packing for a trip. Making lists and being able to tick things off reduces my stress levels and its always satisfying to finish a to do list isn’t it?!
  2. Love and listen your body – I mean this in several ways. Body confidence is so widely talked about I’m a strong believer in embracing what you have and seeing it as a gift. Everybody is different and nobody is perfect and we should all be ok with this by now. Empower yourself and embrace what you do have because there is always someone out there who will silently be wishing they had what you have, and here we are not appreciating it… isn’t that sad? But with that, your body is YOUR body so if you want to get in shape, or get that piercing or rock that tattoo then do it! I also mean this in a way that is, your body is an increadable thing and it has its own subtle ways of telling you if something is wrong. I’ve learned the hard way recently that ignoring something that your body is trying to tell you is wrong, doesn’t always make it go away. I have learnt to feed my body what it needs to run properly and that drinking water and exercising regularly can literally change your life.
  3. Appreciate your true friends – Everyone says, when you go to uni you find friends for life and even though i haven’t lived my whole life yet, I never want to lose the little family I’ve made here at uni. Memories made with friends are ones I’ll hold close to my heart for years to come and having these memories are so important to me. Along side that, cherishing childhood friendships are important to. I love catching up with friends from home, rare as these catch ups are! Always cherish your friends, old and new, because its like having another family that can teach you so much and give you so much to be thankful for.
  4. Everything happens for a reason – There have been a lot of highs and lows over the last few years and its been difficult at times but I’ve had to try and see everything as a lesson. I really believe that everything happens for a reason and that the stars aline when they are supposed to. So I keep my mind at ease knowing that if its meant to be, it will be.
  5. Take 20 minutes a day for yourself – When life gets super busy and stressful whether thats with uni or work, I give myself 20 minutes of down time each day. Thats no phone, no laptop, nothing! I can sit down with a good book or sit and meditate for a while and think about life and what I’m grateful for. Its good to be able to switch your mind off from the daily stresses and reset your mind and body so you’re ready for the next day!
  6. Finding your happy place – This year I discovered my happy place. Now funnily enough, I go every year but it was only this year that I realised that this place was in fact the place where I am completely calm and at ease with the world. This is a place I can think of during the tough times but also a place that I can go to each year to remind myself why I love it so much. This place is at our family friend’s hotel in Lesvos, Greece. Outside by the pool when the sun has just come up, before anyone else is there. When it is still and peaceful, full of good energy and a stunning view of the sea and the mountains. Its somewhere that has a special place in my heart and I think everyone should have a special place like that.
  7. Mind over matter – Situations have come up recently, both for myself and for people close to me, that have made me think of this phrase. Overcoming something that has had so much control over you for so long is a very strange feeling and really makes you see how true it is, that it really is all mind over matter. Mastering the art of mind over matter is still something that I’m trying to do but having a taste of what that is truly like makes me so much more determined. Finding something that gives you motivation to push through whatever it is that you might be going through is key.
  8. Do what you love – Starting uni 2 years ago, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. Throughout the past 2 years I found a passion and I’ve been exploring that field a lot more recently. I got to a point though where I thought I had to find something that everyone else would find cool, or that would sound good when I told people but I soon realised that I wouldn’t be content with life if thats how I did things. I decided to focus on what I love and Im working towards building a career around it which is so exciting for me. It keeps me motivated because I know I’m working towards being able to wake up for work everyday doing what I love.
  9. A tidy space = A tidy mind – Do you ever feel completely scatter-brained and then look around your room and see its just a total mess? I do this all the time. My friends have even said they can tell what mind set I’m in by how much of a mess my room is! If you feel like you can’t think, or if you feel anxious or stressed, stop for a few minutes and tidy the space around you and I promise you it will help. If my room is tidy and organised, I feel so much better and Im way more productive.
  10. None of us know what the hell we’re doing and thats ok – Its true, we don’t. We pay rent now, we pay taxes, we’re surviving on our own and holding down jobs but we don’t even notice the transition. We weren’t taught how to do these things and what they all mean for our future. Most of us don’t even know what we want the future to hold for us. But you know what, thats okay! We’re all learning as we go and thats all part of living and growing as people so just go with it.

10 Goals:

  1. Travel the world – I want to travel and see as much as I can of this beautiful planet, filming it all as I go! I want to be able to look back on my travel films and reminisce when I’m older, its something I want to be able to show my kids and grandkids one day.
  2. Move to San Francisco – My dream “kind of near future” would be to be living in San Fran, making videos/films and living in a beautiful house that I can call my own.
  3. Read more books – I know this is one that I could be easily achieving but I just never do it. I want to read more classic books as well as new ones that have come out recently. I have a list that I want to get through over the next year or so.
  4. Get my own apartment – This is probably a goal for a lot of people but Im so excited to have my first place to myself, decorate it how I want it and to be able to settle down properly.
  5. Make a difference – I have been looking recently into doing something for a charity or multiple charities that I hold close to my heart and I really want to organise something soon where I can raise money for them or help spread awareness.
  6. Make a bucket list and complete it – I was reading Louise’s post today about her bucket list book and it got me thinking about how I haven’t made one yet. I would love to make one and look back one day after I’ve done the last thing on the list and be able to say I’d completed it!
  7. Get back into yoga – Louise and I started yoga classes last year and they were so much fun and we always left feeling amazing (even though we hurt so much the next day) but we got out of routine and stopped going and haven’t managed to get back into it yet. I really want to incorporate it into my weekly routine when I’m back at uni.
  8. Work with/help elephants in Thailand – Now if you know me, you know that elephants are my all time favourite animals. One of my dreams is to go to Thailand and help out at a elephant nursery and make friends with all the baby elephants! I will do this one day without a doubt!
  9. See Ariana Grande live with VIP tickets – I love love love Ariana and there is nobody I would love to see live more than her. Even though I would be in tears the whole time, its would be amazing! I’d have to get VIP tickets though so I could meet her and we could become best friends ❤
  10. Make more films – I know I have been slacking on the film front for a while now but with my final year at uni fast approaching, I can pretty much promise that there will be a lot more films. My final major project will be heavily based around film so stay tuned!

Well there you have it, my 20 things for turning 20! I know this was a super long post with no pretty visuals but I’ve been looking forward to writing this one for a while now! I hope you’ve enjoyed having a read and hopefully its helped you think of somethings that you’re grateful for and maybe given you some ideas on how to make yourself happier and live your life to the fullest! Let me know your favourite lessons and things you want to achieve in your life! Speak soon x


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